22 April 2008

The mean reds...

Well, I haven't posted anything in 22 days. So sorry. I have been a little unlike myself lately. My little sis is leaving for northern California for the summer and I won't see her for three months or longer. I'm having a hard time. We just had her graduation party here at the house and invited a bunch of friends and had lots of food and all that. She is going to work at a camp that she has really wanted to work at for a long time, so I am glad for her, but I don't know what it will be like without her around. Needless to say, my inspiration to post here has not been at the front of my mind. I hope you all understand. I'm just a sappy big sis with a case of the "mean reds" as Audrey Hepburn called them in Breakfast at Tiffany's. I made a short video title "Through a Sister's Eyes" and played it on the night of her graduation. We both cried. Ciao 'till later.

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